Candid Family Photography*


Family photography

When it comes to photographing families, the smallest details can evoke the most emotion. A small pair of wellies in the mud, a favourite tree on a weekend walk, a hand squeezed in another.

These are the images that mean so much to us, as they freeze a moment in time in a life that moves so quickly.

These are the details that are important to me as a photographer, so I like to spend time with you and your family before I start taking photographs, to observe and understand how to tell your story.  


Out of respect for you and your family, and for the authenticity of the memories captured, I don’t stage any photographs. I won’t tell you what to do or where to stand. Only you know how to be you! What is captured will be a truly organic image.

A photograph is not just a photograph, it’s an anchor to a point in time.

A memory made and kept.  

Why hire someone to take your family photograph?

With the easy access of increasingly sophisticated phone cameras, many people solely rely on these to take selfies or to document family life.

While camera phones are a fantastic tool for a quick snap, it takes someone outside of your family to notice and capture those moments that you feel but never see, that are there then gone.

What's next?

If you would like to arrange a natter with me regarding your candid family photo shoot, I would love to hear from you. I am happy to answer questions you may have regarding locations, process or anything else you might be wondering about.

We can then arrange an initial meeting and cup of tea where the little people (and the big people!) can get relaxed around me and the cameras before the day of the shoot. 
