About me*


Hi I’m Simon, and I’m a professional photographer with over 30 years of experience. I live in Chester, in the Northwest of England, but operate both across the country and internationally.

My place of happiness is behind a camera. My camera feels a part of me, an extra hand. As a child, I was influenced by my father’s beautiful portrait photography, taken during his national service in Yemen.

Today I am influenced by photographers such as Chuck Close and Chris Floyd, as well as the humanist technique.

I love capturing a moment in time. That could be something as small and beautiful as an expression between two people, or, at a more macro level, hundreds of people celebrating together at an event.

As well as creating professional portraits and candid family photography, I work alongside businesses, charities and public bodies and collaborate with fellow artists to document a variety of activities.

When I'm not using the camera, you will usually find me with my family, my partner Francesca and our three beautiful children, out on my bike or, during the summer months, looking after my bees. 

Words can't describe how grateful I am for these photographs. You have managed to capture us in all our favourite places so beautifully. Thank you!

Gemma P

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